About Us

We get it. Numbers aren’t always fun and there’s a reason you didn’t go to business school. It would be nice if keeping meticulous books didn’t matter, but we hear the IRS may frown on that.

If you’re like Martha, you didn’t learn the ins and outs of running a business while you were in school, let alone how to do your own bookkeeping (wouldn’t that have been helpful?!), and the thought of figuring it out on your own feels stressful and overwhelming. Luckily, Martha married Stephen, who is an actual accountant (which is actually helpful!). This meant that even though he couldn’t show her how to complete her notes in a timely manner, he could show her how to set up her bookkeeping and answer any and every question about said books.

Over time, Martha came to enjoy reconciling her books weekly (yep, you read that right!) and the insight it gave her to understand how much money she was making, where her money was going, and if there were places she needed to cut costs. Martha became so intrigued with the idea of helping small business owners (who weren’t taught this stuff) plan for their future that she started the process to become a financial planner.

After countless conversations about the need for increased financial literacy and bookkeeping services for helping professionals and small business owners (and Stephen helping some of Martha’s grad school friends learn to do their own bookkeeping), Buoy Financial Services was born.

We strive to take the stress out of bookkeeping to lighten your workload and give you more time and mental energy to do the work you love.

Don’t tread water when it comes to your finances. Let us throw you the life jacket you need.

Meet the Team

Martha McNeely, LMHC

Martha graduated college with a major in Psychology, and received an MA in Counseling Psychology. She has worked in a variety of therapy settings and currently sees clients in her private practice.

Martha quickly discovered she knew more about seeing clients than running a business and had to seek out important information on her own. She became intrigued by various aspects of finance, both on the business and personal sides. She is currently pursuing a certificate in financial planning.

Stephen Layne, MBA

Stephen graduated college with a double major in Accounting and Finance, and received an MBA with a concentration in Accounting. Over the past 18 years, he has worked for small to mid-size businesses as a corporate accountant.

Stephen loves to create efficiencies! For small business owners, this means teaching them to keep their own books (and sometimes do their bookkeeping for them). He prides himself on his patience and ability to teach financial concepts in an easy-to-understand manner.