Our Services

Pro Forma Budget Consultation - $100+

Thinking of starting a new business, but having a hard time wrapping your head around how this will impact you financially? Considering changing jobs and want to understand the total compensation package? Let us walk you through our customized spreadsheet so you start this new venture feeling confident.

Bookkeeping Setup and Training - $400

Initial two-hour setup call - We will help you choose the right accounting software for your needs (QuickBooks, Wave, etc.) and walk you through, step-by-step, importing and classifying transactions. We will make sure you have the information and confidence you need to do your own bookkeeping, including:

  • Setting up a Chart of Accounts

  • Entering bank and credit card transactions

  • Making journal entries

  • Monthly reconciliations

  • Reviewing financial reports

After this initial call, you’ll have a couple weeks to practice on your own.

One-hour follow-up call - This call will take place about two weeks after your initial setup call. We will review the progress you’ve made and address any questions or issues you may have run into.

This also includes 30 days of support after your final meeting to answer any additional questions you have.

Monthly Bookkeeping - $100+

Our monthly bookkeeping services include:

  • Transition your current bookkeeping, if necessary

  • Classifying all bank and credit card transactions, with receipts provided as requested

  • Recording all income and expenses

  • Monthly financial statements

  • Payroll processing, if needed

  • Other reports as requested

  • All documents for tax reporting completed and sent to you by January 31 of the following year

We will provide a quarterly executive summary: a narrative look at your financials that highlights any trends or changes, and provides insight into how your business is doing.

As-Needed Support - $75/hour (one-hour minimum)

Transitioning from an LLC to an S-Corp and need to set up new accounts?

Have you been doing your own bookkeeping for a while and want a professional to double-check your work?

Do your accounting balances not match your bank balances and you need to find the differences?

Have you felt overwhelmed with bookkeeping and neglected this aspect of your business? We can help you get those cleaned up.

We’re happy to help with these and any other bookkeeping questions you may have.